Seeing friends and catching up is an absolute must in between a busy home and work life. While dinner and drinks are always a nice standby, it can be fun to spice things up. If you’re a lover of tea or even just enjoy the occasional glass, why not consider hosting an adult tea party? It may sound like a bit much but we assure you, It’s a unique way to see friends and have some fun. Check out our tips and tricks for ways you can make your tea party a fantastic experience!


  • Create Invitations: While it’s simple to text your friends and ask them to come over, it’s also expected. Consider adding a special touch. Use an online platform like Canva or Minted to find a template and create invitations that can easily be emailed or even printed and mailed out if you’re feeling extra fancy.

  • Spend Time on the Details: Add some elegance to the room by picking a color scheme and decorating the room accordingly. You can also go a step further by picking a theme. Create place settings, hang a garland or banner, and create a centerpiece using some greenery and flowers. Find patterned plates, teacups, and cloth napkins that match the colors or theme. A lot of these items can be found online or at your local party store.

  • Create a Perfect Tea Table: There are many items you can purchase specifically for a tea party like a tea strainer or saucers. These items won’t break the bank and can help your table stand out. While we may be a little biased, we highly suggest spending some time browsing our Tea Bar. We offer some amazing items for a tea party including a Gold Stainless Steel Teapot Strainer, a Leaf Shaped Tea Strainer, a Coupe Mug with a Wooden Saucer, and a Glass Milk Carton.

  • Plan the Menu: Decide on the teas you would like to offer and make sure to have honey, sugar, lemon, and cream available. Once the beverages are taken care of, figure out what you’d like to serve for food. Scones, finger sandwiches, and cookies are all great ideas. If you’re not someone who enjoys baking, pick up some items from the store and put them on fancy plates with doilies - presentation is really what matters!

  • Become Tea Connoisseurs: Offer a variety of flavors in both hot and cold teas. First, provide disposable cups so that everyone gets small servings of each tea. After trying each tea, stop and discuss. This doesn’t have to be anything lengthy or over the top like when you’re watching a wine tasting in a movie. Keep the conversation light and keep things moving by having each person mention one thing they like or one thing they dislike. For added fun, make scorecards and ask your guests to rate the teas. When you’re done, read some of the comments out loud and then tally up the scores. When you’re finished with the tasting, give everyone a real teacup and their favorite tea!

Cheers, and enjoy your tea party!
